
Based on our own research and those of other experts, we know that a high percentage of injured athletes do not return to sports or do so at a lower level. Of great concerns is also that those who do return have a high risk of sustaining re-injuries.
For these reasons we are specialized in helping you to get these athletes regain their regain their pre-injury performance while reducing risk of re-injury. We do this using only the most recent principles acquired by our research or that of our close colleagues. In addition, we put motor learning principles to the test in practice to make sure they really work.
Coming Soon Course External focus of attention applied in ACL injury rehabilitation
In this course we will be covering the topic ‘External focus of attention motor learning applied in ACL injury rehabilitation’. The course is made up of 10 chapters that explain in detail how this kind of rehabilitation exactly works.
First, we will introduce and discuss the overall topic of motor learning, what is it? And why is this an area that should be considered in ACL injury rehabilitation? Then we will apply these principles to ACL rehab. From prehab, to early post-surgery to late rehab and return to sports, plenty examples will be given for each phase.
In this course you will work with practical assignments, applied to your own patient(s). This way you will immediately learn and experience how to apply motor learning principles in your daily work. To get optimal results out of this course, you will work on your own case study which we will discuss through written and live 1:1 coaching!

Motor Learning Institute focusses on getting the highest possible performance out of your athletes. Coaching is not only about what you coach but also how you coach. With our expertise and in close collaboration with coaches, we give you advice on what key points are vital in attaining your goals. This is done using only the most modern principles acquired by our research or that of our close colleagues.
New performance courses are currently under development, we’re working hard to give you the newest material possible, stay tuned!

Motor Learning Institute believes it is very important to not only know how to treat injuries, but also how to prevent them. An injury is a main risk factor of getting another injury or even dropping out from sports. Injuries have a profound effect on athletes’ lives. Based on our own research and those of other experts, we know that injury prevention programs should be fun, sport-specific, challenging and individualized. This will enhance the athlete’s and coaches’ satisfaction with the exercises and improves motor learning.
For these reasons we are helping you to assure the athletes you work with can participate in sports with a reduced risk of sustaining injuries. We do this by implementing most recent principles acquired by our research or that of our close colleagues. In addition, we put these principles to the test in practice in close collaboration with coaches and sport physios to make sure they really work.
New prevention courses are currently under development, we’re working hard to give you the newest material possible, stay tuned!