We periodically organize webinars on a variety of topics regarding injury prevention, rehabilitation and performance enhancement. You can signup for one the upcoming events and attend it live through this website.
4 webinars
Learn how to coach towards injury free athletes and optimal performance. Rob is the expert on skill acquisition: his work has the admirable quality of advancing perception-action theory while directly relating to applied problems. He rigorously investigates fundamental issues of real-world sports activities. In this webinar he will share his knowledge on 'Movement Variability & Self Organization as Injury Prevention Mechanisms'. Topics he will discuss: ✅effective coaching cues, ✅variability of practice, ✅constrained led approach, ✅self organisation. Want to learn from the best and explore the evidence-based principles for learning and coaching optimal movement? Be sure to sign up for this webinar!
Started : 11 months ago
Dr. Matt Jordan, bridges the gap between science and practice. Over his career, Matt was the personal strength coach to 30 World and Olympic medalists. In his rehabilitation approach he addresses strength and conditioning to bridge the gap between return to sport and return to performance. He has published scientific publications about return to sports of elite athletes after ACL reconstruction. In this webinar he will share his knowledge about Explosive strength and stretch-shortening-cycle capacity during ACL rehabilitation. Are you ready to join?
Started : 10 months ago
Want to learn the latest updates about tendinopathy rehabilitation? You're at the right place! Expert Vasileios Korakakis will share his experience and knowledge in this webinar. Vasileios has more than 20 publications on tendinopathy of the upper and lower extremity, authored with other world-wide experts. Book your ticket now to secure your seat!
Started : 9 months ago
With Bruno and Jo we have an excellent duo in the house to serve you. Jo and Bruno both join the Human Physiology and Sports Physiotherapy research group at the Vrije Universiteit in Brussels with specific interest in the brain and fatigue in relation to injury prevention and rehabilitation. In this last webinar before summer they will shed their light on Neurocognition and brain plasticity applied to prevention and rehabilitation of ankle injury. Join these two talented men and sign up!
Started : 6 months ago